Fabrice Le Lec
Professor at the University of Lille
Lille Economics and Management (UMR CNRS 9221)

Associate Researcher at the Anthropo-Lab, Ethics EA 7446

Associate Researcher at Irisk, IESEG

Research -- Data -- Teaching -- Links -- Vitae -- Varia -- Vers. Française

- Research

--- Working papers

On attitude toward extreme risk
with J. Santos

Are citizens grateful for the enhancement of their freedom of choice?
with S. Bourgeois-Gironde and B. Tarroux

--- Publications

An experimental comparison of contributions in collective prevention games and public goods games
with V. Flambard and R. Romaniuc, forthcoming, Economic Inquiry
Punishing the weakest link
with A. Matthey and O. Rydval, 2023, Theory and Decision, vol. 95, p. 429-456, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11238-023-09931-1

How choice proliferation affects revealed preferences
with M. Lumeau and B. Tarroux, 2022, Theory and Decision, vol. 93, p. 331-358, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11238-021-09848-7

Exposure to tax dilemmas deteriorate individuals' self‐declared tax morale
with E. Deglaire and P. Daly, 2021, Economics of Governance, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10101-021-00262-x

How to elicit distributional preferences: a stress-test of the Equality Equivalence Test
with M. Krawczyk, 2021, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 182(C), pages 13-28.

Sharing or gambling? On risk attitudes in social contexts
with S. Grimm, M. Kocher and M. Krawczyk, 2020, Experimental Economics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10683-020-09690-8

Protocol for creating new warnings on cigarette packs and evaluating their efficacy in a randomised experimental setting
with C. Ben Lakhdar, A. Deplancke, S. Massin, A. Piermatteo and N. Vaillant, 2020, British Medical Journal Open, 2020:10:e036166. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-03616

On choice attitude -- Some experimental evidence of choice aversion
with B. Tarroux, 2020, Journal of the European Economic Association, 18:5, p.2108–2134.

The curse of hope
with S. Mace, 2018, Theory and Decision, 1-23

Le gout des autres
with M. Lumeau and B. Tarroux, 2017, Revue Economique, 68 (5), 773-784

The out-of-my-league effect
with T. Alexopoulos, B. Boulu-Reshef,M.P. Fayant, N. Jacquemet, T. Lubart and F. Zenasni, 2017, comment in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40

Dictating the risk: comment
with M. Krawczyk, 2016, American Economic Review, 106 (3), 836-39

Can we neutralize social preference in experimental games?
with M. Krawczyk, 2015, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 117, 340-355

Decision making in uncertain times: what can cognitive and decision sciences say about or learn from economic crises?
with B. Meder and M. Osman, 2013, Trends In Cognitive Science, 117, 340-355

Investissement santé, prudence et adaptation hédonique à un risque santé
with S. Macé, 2012, Economie Publique, 28-29, p. 305-316.

On fatalistic long-term health behavior
with S. Macé, 2011 Journal of Economic Psychology, 32 (3), 434-439

'Give me a chance', An experiment in social preference under risk
with M. Krawczyk, 2010, Experimental Economics, 13 (4), 500-511
(A former working paper version of it circulated as "Social decision under risk")

Bayesian fondations for game theory? A comment
with A. Leroux, 2007, Annales d'économie et statistiques, 47-53.

--- Books

Précis d'économie expérimentale
with N. Jacquemet and O. L'Haridon, 2019, Paris, Economica, Collection Economie et statistiques avancées

--- Research Interests

Experimental economics
Behavioral economics
More specifically : social preferences, heuristic decision-making, behavioral game theory, choice attitude, risk and uncertainty, economics and psychology